Monday, October 6, 2014

TWIN PEAKS Returns for Season 3 on Showtime!

Needless to say...DAMN good coffee...and HOT!

TVLine has word that the cult classic 1990-91 ABC series Twin Peaks is actually returning to television!  According to the article, Showtime has greenlit a nine-episode limited series of the much-beloved series from David Lynch and Mark Frost that will air sometime in 2016.

It seems this will not be a reboot (Hooray!), but a modern continuation of the original series similar to TNT's recent Dallas revival.  TVLine also reports that Lynch and Frost are writing all nine episodes, with Lynch directing all of them as well!

"What more can I say – Twin Peaks with David Lynch and Mark Frost on Showtime in 2016!" said Showtime Networks president David Nevins.  "To quote Agent Cooper, ‘I have no idea where this will lead us, but I have a definite feeling it will be a place both wonderful and strange.’"

Added Lynch and Frost, "The mysterious and special world of Twin Peaks is pulling us back.  We’re very excited.  May the forest be with you."

This follows on recent teases from Lynch and Frost on Twitter, stating "Dear Twitter Friends, that gum you like is going to come back in style!  #damngoodcoffee"

Lynch confirmed the news on Twitter this morning with the following post and teaser video...

As Peaks Freaks know, the 2016 airdate for the series is perfect, fulfilling Laura Palmer's promise "I'll see you again in twenty-five years."  And considering the recent release of Twin Peaks and the film Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me on Blu-Ray, it seems there was a coordinated effort to bring the series back.

Deadline has some additional details, revealing that Showtime will re-air the first two seasons, which are own by parent CBS Corp.  They also claim that original star Kyle MacLachlan is rumored to be returning as Federal Bureau of Investigation Special Agent Dale Cooper, who was left possessed by the killer spirit BOB at the end of Season 2 with Cooper's spirit trapped in the mysterious Black Lodge.

More updates on the project as they come in...

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